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DISCLAIMER: We offer the writer the freedom to create their character depending on their own inspiration they receive from the information. Those listed above are solely for inspiration. The muns are allowed to use other woods and cores.
MAGICAL CORES: Wands contain magical cores, possibly magically inserted once the wand has been carved. These magical cores enhance the wand magic or give the wand wood magical abilities. The only cores able to produce magic are from magical species.
WAND LENGTH: All wands have their individual lengths and there may also be some correlation between a person's size and the lengths of their wands. According to Garrick Ollivander, matching a wand to a wizard solely by height is a crude measure. Long wands tend to suit those with big personalities, of a more spacious and dramatic style of magic. Neater wands favour elegant and refined spell-casting. Particularly short wands will choose wizards whose character lacks something.
FLEXIBILITY: Usually, wands are only described in terms of the source tree, its core and its length. However, occasionally, the firmness of the wand wood has also been described. Rigidity or flexibility of a wand characterises the willingness to change and adapt of the wand-and-wizard pair.
CHERRY BLOSSOM: The wood is a light brown, leaning towards gold with a faint pink hue.
Cherry Blossom has a strong link to the Mono no Aware philosophy, so it comes as no surprise that this wand favours and works mostly with those who have a keen understanding of the ephemeral things, individuals who are empathic and kind. This wand works best for charms, and when it chooses a wizard/witch, it usually bonds with them for life.
PHOENIX'S TAIL: The wood is a dark reddish-brown, it is slightly hard to shape so the wands often have ridges that just won’t get smooth.
This wood appears plain, yet it hides an explosive power. This wand works best for offensive magic, yet unlike what some might expect, this wand favours studious and calm individuals. Only calm wizards or witches can control its power properly. This wand is also quick to change loyalties if it senses a smarter wizard trying to gain it.
RHODODENDRON: The wood is a dark honey colour, that almost gleams in the dark regardless of the quality of the polish.
Rhododendron flowers are often associated with danger, similarly, wands of this wood also follow suit. This is a type of wood that works best with magic on the darker side of the spectrum, the wand shines when it is used for high powered spells, ones that are fueled by strong emotions, which is why the wand favours an emotional individual, preferably one with strong and angry temperaments. Its loyalty is easily changed, as it follows whoever wins it in a duel.
NARRA: The wand is purplish, with an ever-present rose scent.
This wood comes from a tree that is associated with medicine, as its leaves are known for their healing benefits, so it comes as no surprise that this wand favours people who are looking towards healing as a career. While the wand’s loyalties are fickle, it is quick to reject a dark wizardkind, either by not working for them, or bursting into yellow leaves if one keeps trying to use it. It also refuses to perform dark spells.
WISTERIA: This wand is a pale purple, yet the colour gets paler the longer the wand lives.
Yet another wand that works beautifully with charms, this wand is quick to choose the romantic individual, either one who easily falls in love or one who values love and sentimentality. They are surprisingly hardy, these wands refuse to break, and while they bond with one wizard for life, they do not disappear when the wizard dies, in fact, they are known to disappear back to the shop they originated from upon their current holder’s death. If you ever get a wisteria wand, try casting ‘priori incantatem’, you might find the last spell cast by the previous holder.
GINGKO: The wood is a mixture of dark brown and gold, with the goldish colour often being at the tip of the wands.
This wand is tenacious and often works best with defensive spells. It is not easily tamed even when it chooses its wizard, it takes time to adjust. In the early stages more power might be needed for the simplest of spells, its taming period can go from a week to months, it often depends on the determination of its holder. Whoever takes time to actually tame it, finds that it is worth it, as it becomes a perfect magical conduit, making its master’s magic flow with ease. This is another wand with unyielding loyalty, often stinging whoever touches it besides its master. It often chooses wielders with a strong survival instinct.
PLUM BLOSSOM: The wand is often a polished unblemished white.
This is a wand that is best for defensive spells. This wand chooses the hopeful and the virtuous, upon touch the chosen wielder gets an impression of winter with a single tree standing like a beacon for warmth. It is known to be a great emotional support, offering hopeful impressions when it senses that its chosen master is going through some turmoil. Its loyalty can be gained from a duel, but unless the new holder fits the wand’s preference it often works normally, offering no communication to its new holder, or even going as far as to give them occasional impressions of despair.
RAINBOW EUCALYPTUS: The wand has no fixed colour, but it is known to never take on white or black as a colour.
This wand is unique in its versatility, and it is often hard to recognize due to its changing colours. This is a rare wand that can work with any wizard, in fact, it is a rare case where the wand listens to the core and leaves the choice up to it. The wood is known to change colours depending on its holder, the colours can range from reds to purples to pinks to yellows or green, it all depends on the wielder and the wand core. The wand is also known to change colours as time goes on, especially if its master goes through emotional changes. For example, the colour might be bright for a childish individual, but darker for the mature one.
BAMBOO: The wand is a dull pale green.
Bamboo wands are often flexible, you can never find an unyielding bamboo wand, it is also unique in that it is the only wand that is often hollow inside, with the core being suspended by the wood’s magic. This wand often chooses open-minded individuals, who are known for having strong principles, yet are not inflexible in their opinion -yielding but not breaking-. This wand shines in spell crafting, to encourage the creativity of its master. The bamboo wand is also special in that it can reject its master if they grow obstinate in their ideas.
WILLOW: The wand is dark green.
Here we have another loyal wand, one that does not yield to anyone other than its chosen master, yet unlike Wisteria, it is breakable and does not disappear upon its master’s death. This wand is inclined towards loyal individuals, with a preference to those who are well acquainted with death, either through loss or through a strong urge to defeat it. This is a wand that can work great whether with light magic or dark magic.
Thank you so much, Roxy, for making the research about the woods and allowing us to use it for the roleplay's settings.
Feather of Yatagarasu
Learns the most varied magic, hard to be chosen. Good at especially defence spells.
Scale of Shenlong
Powerful, easy to learn spells, especially water-based ones, though can easily be committed to another owner.
Claw of Cenderawasih
Can sense danger and warn its owner of danger by emitting a low musical tone.
Whisker of Zouwu
Sensible and good for spontaneous spells, forms a trust relationship with its master.
Horn of Kirin
Unstable and has an affinity for powerful yet unpredictable wizards.
Hair of Gumiho
Temperamental, powerful, but difficult to master and cast curses on their own.
Fang of Byakko
Extremely rare to find. Consistent magic, bonds strongly to the first user.